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52nd Annual Paleopathology Association Meeting

  • 10 Mar 2025
  • 12 Mar 2025
  • Baltimore, MD


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • In-person or hybrid
  • For those who are no longer students but have yet to secure a permanent position
  • Member & non-member
  • member & non-member
  • Member & non-member


Hybrid Meeting Registration

The registration fee for the North American meeting includes: access to in-person and virtual podium sessions, virtual and in-person poster presentations, and the Association Business Meeting. In-person and virtual podium and in-person poster sessions will take place 11 and 12 March 2025. Virtual posters will be available for viewing starting on 3 March, 2025.

Posters and talks will be recorded and also present for some time after the meeting to registered attendees.

A preliminary schedule for the conference can be found here.

Late Registration fees apply starting 25th February 2025.

Associated events:

This year, the PPA student group's Meet-a-Mentor will occur independently from the conference, and we encourage participants to be in touch year-round. We will be in touch regarding this program shortly.

Workshop: Teaching the Bioarchaeology of Care will be on Tuesday morning March 11 from 8 am - 11 am. This 3-hour workshop will focus on the integration of the bioarchaeology of care method (and accompanying Index of Care) into introductory and upper-level undergraduate anthropology and archaeology courses. Space is limited! Follow this link to register to attend the workshop in-person or virtually! Note that you must be registered for the annual meeting in order to attend the workshop.

Let's Do Lunch will be on March 11, 2025, at the James Joyce Pub and Restaurant (606 President St, Baltimore, MD 21202). Let's Do Lunch pairs students with senior members for lunch, providing students with an opportunity to connect with a paleopathologist and ask questions relevant to their research and professional development. This program facilitates meaningful discussions with professionals whom students might not otherwise meet during the meeting. Senior members sponsor student participants by covering their lunch expenses. We will ensure there are vegetarian and gluten-free options available. Your participation is vital - please indicate on the registration form how you are participating, and mentors can pay for their cost along with that of their mentee(s) along with their conference registration fees.

Book donations are needed for the PPA Student Prizes, which are generously supported by our members. Please consider bringing any of your books to the conference to donate. If you are interested, please email to confirm your donation.

 The PPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
For information or queries, please contact our Communications and Publicity Liaison

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