The PPA Student Group is open to all student members of the PPA. The Student Group (SG) is managed by two Co-Chairs, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Fundraising Chair. They are responsible for managing the Student Group and organizing the annual student meeting-networking-reception. Please read on for more information on how to become an active member and stay current with Student Group activities.
Student members of the PPA can stay up-to-date with the Student Group happenings by joining us on (FB). We currently have several 100 members from all over the world! This site is only open to student members of the PPA. Here, student members can discuss common interests in paleopathology, share ideas, network, and post information on skeletal collections and other resources.
To join the PPA Student Group on Facebook (FB):
If you have any questions or problems joining the Facebook group, send a message to either Amanda Harvey or Chris Stantis through FB or via email (see below).
FundraisingThe SG has opened a shop via Here you can buy high quality clothes, coffee mugs, bags, wall clocks, and much more with the PPA logo. Please use the link below to find our shop, don’t just go to cafépress and search for the name (our group gets a better commission when purchased via the link). Please pass this info on to others that might be interested in shopping at our site. Next year’s student meeting/networking luncheon will depend on these funds! Student Group (SG) officers:Senior co-chair: Kendra Isable Junior co-chair: Kaitlyn McKenna Secretary: Alysha Lieurance Treasurer and Fundraising coordinator: Rachel Hall Social media coordinator: Antony Cavallos Global Student Liaison: Han Jiang |